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25 Count Box of Hoosier Cabinet Books

25 Count Box of Hoosier Cabinet Books
HCB-3118 Front HCB-3118 Back
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ITEM# HCB-3118Q  

25 Count Box of Hoosier Cabinet Books

This book is about Hoosier Cabinets, the unique kitchen cabinets found in so many American homes from the turn of the century to the early 1930s. The Book provides detailed information about Hoosier, Sellers, Napanee, Boone and McDougall kitchen cabinets and the history of the companies that made them. The Book contains many old magazine advertisements for kitchen cabinets that will prove invaluable when attempting to identify or date old cabinets. They also show many of the accessories and other features associated with a particular cabinet. The final section of the book includes many helpful tips and techniques used to restore old cabinets.

  • 168 Pages
  • 8-1/2" x 11"
  • Softbound

Package Contains 25 books. 

No further discount applies to this item.

Hardware Tip: Kennedy Hardware has long been the primary source for Hoosier Cabinet hardware and parts.

25 Count Box of Hoosier Cabinet Books

This book is about Hoosier Cabinets, the unique kitchen cabinets found in so many American homes from the turn of the century to the early 1930s. The Book provides detailed information about Hoosier, Sellers, Napanee, Boone and McDougall kitchen cabinets and the history of the companies that made them. The Book contains many old magazine advertisements for kitchen cabinets that will prove invaluable when attempting to identify or date old cabinets. They also show many of the accessories and other features associated with a particular cabinet. The final section of the book includes many helpful tips and techniques used to restore old cabinets.

  • 168 Pages
  • 8-1/2" x 11"
  • Softbound

Package Contains 25 books. 

Hardware Tip: Kennedy Hardware has long been the primary source for Hoosier Cabinet hardware and parts.
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