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Antique Skeleton Key Set

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Angela Loeb
In case you're wondering, this set of keys is the real deal. It's hard to tell what you're getting when you buy online, which is why I wanted to help out by coming back after the purchase to add this review. I'm happy to say (relieved too) that not just one but THREE of the keys fit my Jasper Cabinet Company roll top desk. I now have backups. :)
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Donna Cullum
Bought this set in hopes that at least ONE of the keys would fit a tall secretary/bookcase I bought at auction.
First tried some in the glass doors on the bookshelf on top. Yay, found a match! Then tried the same key on the roll top desk part - no luck, so tried a few more and YAY again, found another match.
Then, tried both keys in the bottom drawers - no luck, but kept trying - and found ANOTHER match! 3 different keys needed for this ONE piece - and they were all on this ring!
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I bought a gorgeous secretary at an estate sale several years ago. I had the key, but lost it recently. Looked everywhere without luck.

Fast forward, we've chosen to downsize and needed to take only functioning furniture with us. I wanted that secretary to be part of the plan! I began calling locksmiths to see if they could help me, when I decided to order keys online and hope for the best. This set saved me time and money (and, admittedly, some anguish) in finding the match. The second one I tried fit it, and I now have my secretary back! Thank you!
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Conor M.
May 21, 2024
I've had a vintage 1920's hutch sitting locked and shut in my house which I very much longed to open. These keys were the perfect solution. In fact it turns out that four of the ten keys open that lock, so I have spares if I ever misplace the key again... I'm delighted with my purchase!
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Feb 3, 2023
I'm so excited that I found a key that works with my great grandmother's dresser! All of the keys sturdy, well made, and beautiful. It's not shown in the pictures, but each key's barrel is hollow at the end (which I was relieved to see because of the bolt in the lock). The picture telling you which key is which is also accurate and helpful in case you want to order that specific key once you know which one fits. Highly recommend!
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May 1, 2023
I lost the key to my antique corner cabinet when I moved. I am thankful that you sell an assortment pack of 10 keys. The third key that I tried unlocked it!

Advantages: The assortment pack, rather than it being a stab in the dark to pick the correct key!
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